Free Your Consciousness

Social commentary and alternative views

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Saturday Jan 04, 2020

Doug and David discuss UFOs and the US government's disclosure of this phenomenon. 

Saturday Jan 04, 2020

Doug and David discuss Marxist infiltration into western Culture. 

Saturday Jan 04, 2020

Doug and David discuss 5G, artificial intelligence and our experiences with psychedelics. 

Podcast 17. The Dangers of 5G

Saturday Jan 04, 2020

Saturday Jan 04, 2020

Doug discusses the potential dangers of 5G technology

Friday Jan 03, 2020

Everything is contorted, everything is twisted, distorted and then sold back to you. Everything is warped into a decrepit form and then offered up for mass consumption. Fabian, Marxist propaganda has set its hooks firmly within the minds of large numbers of people, even thee young and they aren’t even aware of it. 

Friday Jan 03, 2020

If you are well adjusted to the sick and depraved lunatic asylum that we courageously and laughingly call culture, then you may be suffering from severe mental health problems. As the moments go by it seems, the more the insanity is on full display for all to see, that is for those who have lifted their consciousness from the muck and the mire and aren’t afraid to face it. 

Podcast 14. The Inner Cosmos

Friday Jan 03, 2020

Friday Jan 03, 2020

The typical human body is made up of some seven billion, billion, billion atoms, each single atom resembling a miniature solar system. As above so below. Is our solar system simply a single atom in a universe of atoms? Is the microcosm a holographic reflection of the macrocosm? Are we embodiments of the entire cosmos? 

Friday Jan 03, 2020

At every turn in this wasteland of what we call culture, or society, humanity is distracted, deceived and divided. 

Friday Jan 03, 2020

So who the hell are you? What defines you? Is it the roles that you play in life, the social personas, the titles and labels? The master’s degree or the impressive letters that follow your fictitious name? 

Friday Jan 03, 2020

We can sit here until the end of time pointing out the problems which are so in our faces now, and I think that it’s good to be aware of the situation, but not to the point where we forget to look within at our own selves and to recreate ourselves and connect with the spark of self-awareness and remember who we are. 


Free Your Consciousness

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