
Monday Jan 27, 2020
Monday Jan 27, 2020
The experience in the aggregate, in the outer world, is in direct proportion to the cognitive and inner situation within the minds of each individual.

Friday Jan 24, 2020
Friday Jan 24, 2020
Through a lifetime of psychological conditioning, we develop our perceptual comfort zones, our cognitive fortresses and we pitch the tent of our perceptual base camps within a particular view of reality, which for most, will never change throughout the course of their lives.

Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
We witness an absolute inversion of values and a completely morally relativistic mindset that has gripped whole societies and has twisted culture into a decadent display of mindlessness as tyranny tightens the noose around the necks of the historically ignorant.

Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
We face a monumental crisis at this time, but it’s important to understand, that where there is crisis, there is also opportunity.

Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
The propaganda is just everywhere isn’t it? It’s been creeping in, gradually, over time, oozing through the cracks of culture and winding its contorted spell around the mind, infusing itself within, like a parasite on consciousness.
We’ve got front row seats to the freak show, this macabre, surreal and twisted play of lunacy.

Friday Jan 17, 2020
Friday Jan 17, 2020
In this episode, Doug and David discuss the rapidly unfolding surveillance society and the rapid advancement of technology. We discuss 5G, human microchipping, militarization of the police, deep fake, facial recognition, AI and more.

Thursday Jan 16, 2020
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
The prisoner who believes himself free, will not rebel against his slavery, he will merely bow his head in silent acquiescence, blinded by illusions, his mind ensnared, bound within chains of ignorance.

Friday Jan 10, 2020
Friday Jan 10, 2020
Doug and David discuss the false, political left/right paradigm. We discuss statism, the hidden dark rulers, psychological manipulation, polarization, inverted reality, and more.

Saturday Jan 04, 2020
Saturday Jan 04, 2020
Regardless of your political leanings, this affects every New Yorker, and other states are likely to follow suit. Please take the time to listen and share this information.

Saturday Jan 04, 2020
Saturday Jan 04, 2020
As the governments of the world begin to show us images of an apparently advanced presence in our sky, we need to keep in mind that our governments work very hard to deceive us every day on many levels.

Free Your Consciousness
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