Free Your Consciousness

Social commentary and alternative views

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Wednesday Mar 25, 2020

*Explicit Language*
Truth with a bit of dark humor. 

The Global Coup

Monday Mar 23, 2020

Monday Mar 23, 2020

What is occurring is a global coup. It’s a deliberate destruction of the financial markets, a financial reset if you will... 

Breaking the Spell

Monday Mar 23, 2020

Monday Mar 23, 2020

Cognitive patterns and perceptions are so deeply ingrained and so firmly held in place by the overlaid consciousness, that nothing outside of the narrow and ridged confines of its awareness is perceived. In other words, the cognitive fortresses are so firmly rooted, so locked into place, that we cannot perceive anything that lies outside of them, or if we begin to, it is usually but a tiny glimmer.

Friday Mar 20, 2020

Hysteria and panic is gripping the global consciousness. If you’re even remotely sensitive, you can feel it in the air. Things are unraveling at an accelerated pace. The global economic system is in a free fall and it is going to come down. 

Thursday Mar 19, 2020 

Tuesday Mar 17, 2020

The creative aspect of the human being has been castrated and channeled into sustaining the perceptual illusion by giving it our energy, by feeding the beast, so to speak. 

Friday Mar 13, 2020

Doug explores some new information regarding the Coronavirus 

Friday Mar 06, 2020

Doug and David discuss the Coronavirus scare and various media reports on the subject. 

Monday Mar 02, 2020

An artificial, false reality has been superimposed upon the mind, a surreality, a simulacrum. What the vast majority accepts as real, is a pseudo reality, a cheap facsimile. 

Thursday Feb 27, 2020

In this talk, we discuss psychological aspects of the control paradigm. Topics include: belief systems, confirmation bias, SSRI drugs, the education system, behaviorism, cognitive dumbing down and more.  


Free Your Consciousness

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