Free Your Consciousness

Social commentary and alternative views

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Wednesday May 13, 2020

*Explicit Language*
Based upon observations of the current situation, and what is now so blatantly obvious, I’ll bet that the argument that human beings are complete lunatics, could absolutely win favor in some sort of galactic court of law. 

Monday May 11, 2020

In this Podcast, Doug and David examine more angles of what is occurring during this great scamdemic and economic depression of 2020.   

Sunday May 10, 2020

The level to which human beings are manipulated cognitively and emotionally is truly unbelievable, and primarily, this is achieved through keeping the human herd in line through fear. 

Thursday May 07, 2020

What is mainstream media? It’s a propaganda, spin machine. It’s a weapon of mind control, the scripter of reality, which of course, is a false reality. It is the generator of the official narrative, designed to ensnare the consciousness within its web of deceit. 

Diatribe: The Crown Pathogen

Sunday May 03, 2020

Sunday May 03, 2020

The pathogen is fear and victimhood. For so long, we have been taught to distrust our humanness and to gauge our entire understanding of reality based on that misunderstanding. 

Diatribe: Carry the Message

Saturday May 02, 2020

Saturday May 02, 2020

You are being called now to carry the message. Will you answer? 

Thursday Apr 30, 2020

Doug and David continue their discussion and commentary regarding the unfolding saga related to the crown virus.  

Diatribe: The Happy Little Slave

Wednesday Apr 29, 2020

Wednesday Apr 29, 2020

There is a constant attack upon your essence, upon that which makes you human. It oozes through the cracks of “culture” and it weaves its web around the consciousness, the very soul of humanity. Its insidious and sordid machinations wind its way through the psyche on levels so deep and intense that you cannot even see it. 

Wednesday Apr 22, 2020

Doug and David discuss new information regarding the crown virus. Despite the gravity of the information, we had a lot of laughs.  

Monday Apr 20, 2020

What is occurring is an energetic split, a great divide, a parting of the ways. Many will choose the chains of oppression, very few will choose individual sovereignty. 


Free Your Consciousness

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