Free Your Consciousness

Social commentary and alternative views

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Becoming Lucid

2 hours ago

2 hours ago

The most challenging and rewarding thing one can do is to break away from consensus groupthink mentality and initiate an unlearning process. 

War is Coming

Monday Sep 23, 2024

Monday Sep 23, 2024

All across western society, tensions mount as the saber rattling intensifies. 

When the Reckoning Day Comes

Wednesday Sep 11, 2024

Wednesday Sep 11, 2024

We are in an age where all is being revealed. The so-called elites and their henchmen have no problem stating publicly what their agenda is, but if the sleeping giant ever awakens, a day of reckoning will come and there will be no quarter given. 

The New Abnormal

Wednesday Sep 04, 2024

Wednesday Sep 04, 2024

The reduction of the vast majority down to robotic, ever-obedient, willing serfs on the new global plantation, has been wildly successful. The dumbing down is complete. Critical thinking is becoming extinct, and so is common sense. 

Merchants of Lies

Friday Aug 23, 2024

Friday Aug 23, 2024

It’s all a lie. All of it! Virtually everything you’ve been taught by the system has been a deliberate deception, all with the express purpose of keeping human consciousness under lock and key through a constant barrage of perceptual misdirection. 

No Political Solutions!

Tuesday Aug 20, 2024

Tuesday Aug 20, 2024

The judicial and political systems are bought and paid for and run by criminals. Where is justice to be found there? 

Wednesday Aug 14, 2024

We’ve become far too dependent on technology. The recent CrowdStrike debacle demonstrated that. Systems the world over were affected by this, and it very well could’ve been deliberate as a test run for a future, stage-managed event, sort of like the plandemic. 

Wednesday Aug 07, 2024

Here we are. Another selection year has come, and Americans are yet again divided over which of the handpicked, degenerate rejects the system has provided would better represent them, as if they even have a representative form of government. 

Tuesday Aug 06, 2024

With each passing moment it seems, the noose of autocracy tightens its grip while freedom diminishes at an ever-alarming pace as the totalitarian superstate places itself on full display all around us. 

Friday Aug 02, 2024

The greatest enemy you will ever face is the tyrant that exists within your own mind. To conquer this enemy takes great fortitude, nerves of steel, unwavering resolve, bold courage and unbending intent, the will to power! 


Free Your Consciousness

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